Baby Room.
0-2 years
Our youngest members, aged up to about 2 years, occupy the lovely baby room, with a dedicated area for changing.
We are very proud of our babyroom where our babies are cared for by a long-standing team of highly qualified and experienced Early Years practitioners. Our staff are 'hand picked' for their abilities and expertise with young babies.
We are very particular about standards of hygiene and in the Nursery extra care and attention is taken. For example, all toys and equipment used are sterilized daily, especially those toys put into mouths.
Dishwashers and cold water sterilisers also are used to ensure sterilisation of all cups, dishes and cutlery.
For babies being weaned their first foods are introduced in close consultation with parents. We are then able to offer a wide variety of nutritious home made baby foods specially prepared from fresh vegetables and fruit, with the gradual introduction of fish and chicken, and eventually meats (again in close liaison with parents).
Every effort is made in the communication between staff and parents to ensure complete confidence is maintained. Diaries are kept carefully in order that concise information about food intake, sleep times, and any other happenings can be given to parents on a daily basis.
The developmental activities for children in the Nursery department are planned on a weekly basis using the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance as set out by the Department for Education, by staff who have been trained in child development.
For children aged 0 to 2 years we provide a staff-to-child ratio of 1:3. As the toddlers in the Nursery become more and more confident on their feet and progress towards more social and gregarious play, we gradually introduce them to the next stages of development into toddlers.
Pre School.
2-5 years
As the children approach three, they begin to encounter a very simple structure to their day and will be given a wide variety of early learning experiences.Working hand-in-hand with the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance, the educational development is overseen by our qualified Early Years practitioners on a day to day basis.
The children in the 2 -3 group have lots of fun and their daily routines include planning for their individual interests through language development, singing, art and craft, developmental music sessions, dance, and pencil/scissor control skills.
The children are given lots of help and re-assurance when they start toilet training and we work closely with our parents at this important stage so as to make it as smooth as possible.
The staff in this area have been selected for their experience with children of this age and to ensure that encouragement and cuddles are plentiful.For children aged between 2 years and 3 years we provide a staff to child ratio of 1:4.
Our older children (up to 5 years) are taught, cared for and supervised by a team of fully qualified and experienced nursery trained staff.
We use the seven areas of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance to plan for each child and promote development on an individual basis.We combine this with lots of fun and games to promote play with other children and social development.
All areas of learning are equally important and underpinned by their Key Person. For children aged 3+ years we provide a staff ratio of 1:8.